Calorie Counter

The Nutrition Calorie

The food calorie is sometimes capitalized as Calorie to distinguish it from the chemistry calorie; however, this capitalization is rarely observed in practice.

Nutritionists measure the energy content of food in "calories" (sometimes capitalized and abbreviated as Cal or sometimes C, or abbreviated kcal as if small calories were being used), where each food calorie represents 4,186 joules. This is equivalent to 1000 of the calories used in chemistry, and thus the food Calorie would be called a kilocalorie if small calories were being used. However, in chemistry calories have been deprecated as a scientific unit of measure in favor of joules, and therefore in common modern usage the word "calorie" usually refers to a food calorie.

The amount of food energy in a particular food is measured by completely burning the food in a bomb calorimeter, a method known as direct calorimetry. Dietitians recommend counting calories to avoid obesity. Calorie calculator or calorie counter is a great help in monitoring your daily calorie intake and calorie burning for your weight loss plan success.

People often confused with the term of plain "Calorie Calculator".  It can be calculating how many food calories you take (Calorie Intake Counter) or how many calories you are burning by doing certain activities (Calorie Burning Calculator).
We provide both types of calorie calculator.

Calorie Intake Counter
  • It is also called Food Calorie Calculator. You can use the simple way - by using Calorie Calculator as provided on the sidebar of this page.  It is a simple way to monitor you daily calorie intake, to easily manage your diet and meals. Use the calorie calculator to see each meal's calorie details and sum up your daily total.
  • Alternatively, you can use the more detailed form of calorie intake to calculate total calories you take per day from breakfast, lunch and dinner.  You have to start with Calorie Intake Counter for Breakfast page.  Once you finish fill in meals you take for breakfast, go to the bottom page and click "Calculate Lunch" button that leads to the page of Calorie Counter for Lunch. After you fill in your lunch meals, you will see the total calories of your lunch and breakfast. Click the "Calculate Dinner" button at the bottom of the page to fill the dinner meals information and finish all calories calculation.
Start Calorie Intake Counter for Breakfast here

Calorie Burning Calculator by Activities
In addition to calorie intake, you will need Calorie Burning Calculator that will show how many calories burned for each activities you do per day.  Please use the below form to calculate total calories burned and your resting (basal) metabolic rate (BMR)  with certain activities.

By calculating daily metabolic rate or the number of calories that are required to maintain your weight and balancing with calories burned per day will help you reach your weight loss goals.

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